International Festival of Authors - Markham 2012 |
On Tuesday October 23, Markham Arts Council hosted the International Festival of Authors for the second time. This year’s headlining author, Dr. Vincent Lam, is a recipient of the prestigious Scotiabank Giller Prize. Appearing with him were internationally renowned authors: Marjorie Celona, Ayesha Chatterjee and Chan Koonchung.
Mayor Frank Scarpitti hosted the “Mayor’s Hour" reception at Flato Markham Theatre, a meet-and-greet with the four authors. Also, prior to the readings, was an exhibition of literature and book related visual arts and performances by award winning YorkSlam performers. The spoken word artists are not to be missed and, happily, we will not have to wait until October 2013 for their next performances. See the link below for upcoming events.
This Year's "Empty Chair" : Dawat Issak Pen Canada
Dawit Isaak is PEN Canada's Empty Chair at IFOA 2012 (IFOA 33) TORONTO. - Eritrean journalist and playwright. Isaak has been held, without charge or trial, for more than a decade since President Isaias Afewerki's clampdown on Eritrea's independent press in 2001 – |
The Visual Arts
From mid-summer, until late October, fellow Markham Arts Council board member Samantha Rodin and I co-chaired the IFOA visual arts committee. We were asked to organize an "art component" to run in conjunction with this year's Readings. This was the first time – in the IFOA's thirty-three years – that a visual arts presentation has been a part of these events and we managed to find intriguing variety of works – paintings, installations and sculptures. Those of you who were not able to attend the event can see a selection of these works below. Click on the images to read more (in the artist's own words) and see additional works. |
Main Lobby area: Villahermosa, Ferdinand and 'Altered Books' |
Upstairs Lounge (S): Erin Ciulla, Dani Crosby and Chris Jackson |
Upstairs Lounge (W): various works - see images below |
Upstairs Lounge (E): various works - see images below |
Please enjoy the images below, an eclectic 'assemblage' of literature-inspired art. Do visit the artist's own sites to find out more about their work.
This wide-ranging collection bridges the gap between the worlds of literature and visual arts and explores the complementary nature of these two disciplines. While language conveys a narrative by evoking images in our mind, the plastic arts, through arrangements of form, tell stories all their own. |
"The Molten Word"
Samantha Mogelonsky |
"Absence of Thought #1"
Andrew Sookrah |
"Phase 1"
Erin Ciulla |
"Poetry Gone Awry"
Denise Moraze |
"The Mysterious Death of Tom Thomson "
George A. Walker |
"Your Turn"
Dani Crosby - In collaboration
writer Chris Jackson |
"Words I've always wanted to know... "
Rachel Loscher |
Video frame captures
Lili Huston- Herterich
"Colour - a plot line"
Susan Carr
"What are we doing
to the land?"
Martha Cole |
"My Father's Prague"
Peter Sramek
"Longstitch Album"
Susan Corrigan
"Bridging the Gap"
Jennifer Ferdinand
"Green Book, Red Book"
Wayne Mondok
"Wanderer of Yawnder"
Jay Dart
You cannot find peace
until you find all the pieces
Tiffany Joy Villahermosa |